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Expanding Your Energetic Capacity as a Highly Sensitive Person

Writer: Steph LinnSteph Linn

Hi there, Highly Sensitive Person -

As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I'm willing to bet you have at least one memory of working your buns off... only to crash and burn when you hit your internal, energetic wall.

Here's how this typically looks for us HSPs.

You're cruising along, checking items off your multi-page to-do list, you're accomplishing a lot, which feels A-MAZ-ING!

When you're achieving and accomplishing, you feel unstoppable.

It feels like the sun is literally shining on your laptop - just for you.

But then, your schedule starts to get more full.

You're finding yourself squeezing in one more appointment or adding just one more task to the list.

Over time, you're like the frog in the boiling water.

When you hopped in the water and it was tepid, you felt great!

As the temperature increases, you don't notice that you're slowly but surely heading to a boiling point...

When you hit your energy wall, everything comes to a grinding halt.

That's when you take an entire day (or multiple days) off to recover.

Everything gets cancelled, rescheduled, paused, or ignored.

Maybe... gleefully?

JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out), anyone?

But a few days later, you start to feel guilty and anxious.

You hop back into the flow of busy-ness, fighting fires from your time off, trying to stay ahead of your


If you're familiar with this go-go-go then CRASH cycle of high-achieving to burnout and back again,

then this week's episode of the Highly Sensitive Club is the one for you.

Listen on your favorite podcast app and / or watch on YouTube.

While yes, you can control your environment, hold boundaries, and productivity-hack your way into efficiency... what if there were another way forward?

What if you could:

  • Redefine your definition of "productivity" (to one that actually fits your high sensitivity)?

  • Redirect your energy away from tasks and time-blocks that aren't getting you anywhere?

  • Put your reclaimed energy into creating results and value that are meaningful and deep and purposeful - you know, the good stuff?

  • EXPAND YOUR ENERGETIC CAPACITY so that you can do everything you want to do without having to crash and burn to recover?

There's an alternate reality (if you're a sci-fi fan like me) in which you have the same amount of time and tasks, but you use your highly sensitive energy more efficiently and actually increase it over time.

This is what I'm actively working on in my life and business, and it's also what I'm guiding my clients through too, whether that's in growing a business, feeling more confident, or trusting themselves more in any situation.

Imagine if you could not only check off items on your list but actually see money hitting your bank account.

Think about the last conversation you had that went sideways and rewrite it to end up creating breakthroughs, connection, and understanding.

You step outside to get some sunshine, lie down for five minutes with your fuzzy friend, and savor that cup of hot goodness instead of rushing through everything.

That's what we're actively tapping into, and I gotta say, I'm already impressed with the first shifts. I can't wait to see where this goes moving forward.

When you redirect and expand your energetic capacity you:

  • Make progress - without getting caught in perfectionism

  • Believe in yourself - even before having a bunch of proof

  • Decide with clarity and purpose - with way less overthinking

  • Know what you want - and roughly how to get there

  • Get the same amount or more done - without the drama, burnout, and discouragement cycle.

I know this episode on Expanding Your Energetic Capacity is going to be the first in a series over time as I keep working on this and helping my clients a few steps behind me.

If you want to hear about possibility and what this could look like for you, get a glimpse of this alternate reality, check out the episode. 

I'm really proud of having this one to share with you while we're in process.

To breaking the cycle,


P.S. If this sounds really awesome, and you're not sure how to get there, I can help you. Book a consultation call. It's free, and you'll leave the conversation know what you want, what's keeping you stuck, and how to move forward. Plus, I've got enough belief and energy to spare, I'll show you a vision for what this can look like for you.



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