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Writer's pictureSteph Linn

Behind The Scenes: October 2024

Dearest Gentle, Highly Sensitive Person-

(A little Bridgerton humor for you)

This week, I wanted to share a Behind-the-Scenes look at my highly sensitive life and business.

I always love hearing these from my podcasters and coaches, and I thought it'd be a nice change of pace for you too.

This past Friday was my 34th birthday - woohoo!

I celebrated by:

  • going to my favorite tea shop (as I do every year)

  • enjoying the perfect weather (sunny and 72F / 22C - you never know in October!)

  • escaping to a cozy cabin in the woods (I know it's the spooky month, but there were only Dungeons & Dragons and bonfires)

  • making homemade pasta (harder than it looks!)

  • eating boatloads of sugar and treats (cake, s'mores, decadent hot cocoa, the works)

  • taking a few days off to relax and enjoy (walks, an Emily Henry novel, Zelda marathons, and Virgin River binges)

While it was a lovely way to welcome in my next year on Earth, the combo of birthday (special occasion), cabin (out of my normal routines), and treats (like, a LOT of sweets) put me WAY out of sorts.

I don't know about you, but as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I'm very susceptible to what I put in my body.

For you, this might be caffeine, alcohol, certain medication, or yes, even sugar.

I've learned over the years that large quantities of sugar triggers my depression and anxiety.

I've also learned how to be very gentle and kind with myself when I feel unmotivated, anxious, and guilty as a result.

Even knowing that I would feel down for a few days, I went ahead and enjoyed the treats anyway.

Predictably, depression and anxiety hit on Sunday and have started to clear up today.

The interesting part is that accepting and loving these emotions brought up a few insights and epiphanies for me. I bet they'll spark something for you too.

  1. Going back to old habits of celebrating with food (that I know doesn't agree with me) is both a normal part of becoming unattached to food and unnecessary for enjoyment.

    Upon reflection, I realized that so many things make me WAY happier than a bunch of sugar - things like fantastic conversations, going for a walk and seeing the sunlight filter through the trees, or playing games with some of my favorite people.

    I thought an old pattern would still serve me, and I see from experience exactly how it doesn't. I'm learning!


  2. Doubt, anxiety, and guilt (that often get triggered by sugar for me) are emotions that serve a purpose. They're trying to help.

    "What do you mean they're trying to help? They feel awful!" You might be thinking.


    And they are uncomfortable, but these emotions come from a place of trying to keep you safe in the familiar.

    By acknowledging that all of my emotions have a purpose and a place, I move through them faster and can see ways to connect, release them, and have fun - options that don't exist when you're in the thick of the emotion and stuck.


  3. The themes I'm picking for 34 are Release and Believe.

    I'm working through releasing old habits and patterns (like sugar addiction and self-doubt) in order to move towards things I love - not just away from things I want to avoid.

    It makes every day feel like a slog to try to accomplish enough to keep judgements and disappointment away.

    It feels totally different to tap into enjoying every moment of the journey, even when it's uncomfortable and new.

    I'm asking myself, "How could this be fun?" And my brain has been supplying ways.

    Here are a few ways that made me laugh - speaking in accents (like Scottish or British) for fun, singing narrative songs about my day or the cats, or writing a sassy letter (hello Lady Whistledown reference).

    I can be kind of intense and take things very seriously. Finding ways to have more fun helps me get back into enjoying the journey and not so wrapped up in the destination.

To hear the full behind-the-scenes scoop, check out this week's episode of the Highly Sensitive Club.

Listen on your favorite podcast app and / or watch on YouTube.

In the episode, I also talk about 4 ways I can help you get anything you want in your highly sensitive life.

  1. Private coaching with me for any area of your life where you're feeling stuck or just "fine."

    This could be writing that book you've been dreaming of, getting organized, feeling healthier, getting your confidence back, or simply figuring out what the heck you want!

    Want in? Book a call with me. The call is totally free, and this one conversation will help you gain new insights and clarity.


  2. Emotional Alchemy, my signature 6-week program, is coming back around!

    In this 6-week course, I teach you the skills you need to be able to feel any emotion, no matter how highly sensitive you are. In a month and a half, you'll know exactly how to go from overwhelm and stress to courage and confidence.

    Join the waitlist so you're the first to know when the next round is coming up - and get early bird bonuses!

  3. Have a suggestion for a podcast topic or a question for me?

    Introducing the Highly Sensitive Club suggestion box!

    Suggest a topic for an episode or ask me anything about high sensitivity, coaching, or whatever has you curious that you think I would have a good answer for.

    Your question and / or topic might be featured on an upcoming episode!


  4. Last but not least, are you curious about coaching with me and want to try it out?

    Get a complimentary coaching session that will air on the podcast!

    This is a great way to get some coaching from me AND help out other HSPs like you who are very likely going through similar experiences.

    I don't know about you, but I learn a LOT from hearing other people's questions answered and coaching with actual scenarios and details. This is your chance to get support and help another HSP at the same time.

    I create a super safe container for our conversation, and we'll work together ahead of time to figure out what information you feel comfortable sharing so you can have a great experience and can focus on getting the support you want.

    Apply here to be featured on an episode of Highly Sensitive Club and get coaching on whatever challenge you're currently facing.

That's it for this behind-the-scenes look at my highly sensitive life and business.

Hit reply and let me know what you think of these insights and ahas. I'd love to know if they struck a chord with you too.

Hugs and warm vibes,


P.S. There are 4 ways I can help you right now if you're interested in working together. Scroll up a bit to read the 4 ways I mentioned and select the best option for you.

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